Unarranged is an unusual beautiful story of an arranged marriage. This short film presents an unusual situation where the groom has come to meet the bride just before the marriage. It seems that the bride’s consent was never taken for the marriage and she is obviously furious over the whole developments. What happens next is a classic take on this unusual situation.
What works
Unarranged has an amazing story line. While we agree that the groom coming to meet bride for the first time just before the marriage is a tad unusual, but that is what it is! Apart from that piece, the whole story flows spontaneously.
In fact, the story connects deeply with the thought processes of so many young couples who decided to tie the knot under the arranged marriage setup. Like the characters in this short film, they also would be knowing little about their future partners.
Unarranged also has very good acting. Syed Shabahat Ali nails the role of the groom. He captures the audience attention and sympathy. Tanya Singh also fit well in the role of bride. We could not find any fault with the other three characters as well.
This short film also has an surprisingly good detailing on the audio. For those who will notice, the background noise fade-ins and fade-outs are balanced very well to reflect the outdoor noise and the emotional timings.
What could have been better
Nothing that we could find on. We really liked Unarranged and there is nothing that we would like to point our fingers on.
Unarranged is a gem, and a must watch short film. It is young audience friendly and whole family can watch this short film together. After watching short films like Unarranged, one wonders why Bollywood fails to produce such great content with their huge budgets! But anyway…
AglaPlay Verdict: A Must Watch AglaPlay Rating: 4.5/5 Language: Hindi Duration: ~19 minutes Writer-Director: Rahul Bhatnagar Cast: Syed Shabat Ali, Tanya Singh, Rishabh Tripathi, Apurva Shukla & Vipin